For the past four years of my life I’ve had many ups and many downs. But my family has always helped me through it. The last four years of my life has consisted of two colleges and three different college sports. But this time of year is my favorite, first semester of the year wraps …
Criticism is something we cannot avoid, people are very critical of everyone else. As humans we are very critical of on one another, it is in our nature to be jealous of others, we criticize to make ourselves feel better, we do it to make people change, and lastly we criticize because we don’t like …
Social media is a blessing and can be very dangerous depending on how you use it. Social media is great for businesses they can promote products, services, and tell people how successful they are. The danger of social media is what so many college students aren’t aware of. The minute they post a wrong thing …
“People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it. And what you do simply proves what you believe” -Simon Sinek What drives you? What is the reason you get up in the morning and work hard every day? Is it for your family, is it to make your rent payment, or is …
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