Tag: networking

How do you USE Social Media?

Social media is a blessing and can be very dangerous depending on how you use it. Social media is great for businesses they can promote products, services, and tell people how successful they are. The danger of social media is what so many college students aren’t aware of. The minute they post a wrong thing …

What’s Your Why?

“People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it. And what you do simply proves what you believe” -Simon Sinek What drives you? What is the reason you get up in the morning and work hard every day? Is it for your family, is it to make your rent payment, or is …

Networking For Newbies

“We are the sum total of the five people we hang around with the most” – Daniel Ally   Networking has landed me every single job I have had since I was sixteen. When I was a freshman in college, I worked as a Management Intern at a million-dollar bar in Downtown Chicago’s Union Station.  …